Health and Medical


During enrolment, parents are required to complete a Student Health Care Summary form for their child. It is important to include details of any allergies and medical conditions and to contact the school immediately with any changes or new conditions, so that the school is able to support the health of all students effectively. Students with asthma, allergies or other medical conditions should have an action plan in place.

If your child requires any medication whilst at school, you need to contact the administration office and complete the appropriate forms, prior to any medication being stored or administered. Medication must be labelled with your child's name, in it's original packaging and within the expiry date. Medication must be stored in the administration office and must not be taken to classrooms or left in students' bags.   

Action plan form - Allergic Reactions

Action plan form - Anaphylaxis Epipen

Action plan form - Asthma


Allergy Aware

We endeavour to keep all children safe whilst in our care and minimise risk through implementing 'Allergy Aware' strategies in partnership with parents.

  • Students do not share food, utensils or food containers
  • Students with allergies only eat food that is prepared at home
  • Students are encouraged to wash their hands before and after eating
  • Food and drink containers are clearly labelled with students' names to avoid confusion of ownership
  • Parents are discouraged from sending food products containing nuts
  • Parents of students in a particular class may be requested to avoid sending specific food types if a child presents with a severe allergy


Sun Smart

Sun exposure in childhood greatly increases the chances of developing skin cancer later in life. In partnership with families, our school promotes healthy sun protection behaviours in a variety of ways.

  • Students must wear a sun protective hat (school bucket hat) whenever they are outside, all year round
  • If a student does not have their hat, they will be asked to play in shaded areas only
  • Sunscreen is available throughout the school and its use is encouraged
  • A number of shaded play areas and outdoor spaces are available to students at all break times
  • Sun protection is encouraged through teacher and parent role modelling and classroom activities
  • The school uniform includes sun protective items (e.g. shirts with collars, bucket hats)


Illness and Infection

We ask that you keep your child at home if they are unwell. If an infectious or contagious illness is diagnosed (including head lice) please notify the administration office who can respond accordingly. If your child is absent, please notify the school as soon as possible. This can be done via phone, Compass or email.


Accidents and Illness while at School

If your child becomes unwell or is involved in an accident at school, every effort will be made to contact parents and to arrange medical attention. In some cases, your child may need to go home. It is essential that the school is kept up to date with changes in contact details for your child's emergency contact people. In exceptional circumstances, immediate outside medical help may be sought to provide emergency care for your child. 


School Dental Service

Our onsite Dental Therapy Centre will provide free preventative and general dental treatment from late 2025. All school children are eligible for the School Dental Service from the year they turn five. During 2024/25, children will attend the dental service at Oakwood Primary School.