Positive Behaviour Support

At Madora Bay Primary School, we take a proactive approach by teaching all students the agreed expectations and pro-social skills which supports our safe, productive and inclusive learning environment. We implement a continuum of support which considers the needs of all students, emphasising prevention of inappropriate behaviour and positive reinforcement of expected behaviour. 

Our expected behaviours are explicitly taught and modelled by our staff, and students are acknowledged for demonstrating them. This is a much more positive and effective approach than waiting for an inappropriate behaviour to occur before responding. The key components of our approach include:

  • A school-wide matrix of agreed expectations
  • Consistent use of language
  • Explicit teaching and modelling of expectations
  • Regular opportunities for students to practice
  • Recognition and rewards for individuals and teams

Our positive approach does not ignore inappropriate behaviour. Age-appropriate consequences will be actioned where necessary.

All students attend a whole school meeting every fortnight where we introduce our focus behaviour expectation and recognise our students' successes by awarding certificates and badges.